Posted on 4/20/2019
The new year is here, so it's time to make those resolutions to help keep the car in better shape next year. In the spirit of 2019, here are 19 car care tips to help you make this year the best yet! Get to know your owner's manual. There's valuable information in there, like tire pressures, maintenance schedules, and other manufacturer recommendations. Since we mentioned “maintenance schedule,” set one up at with us, now you'll be alerted to upcoming items that need attention, and you'll have scheduled inspections to prevent on-the-road breakdowns. Watch your tire pressures. The amount of air (or today, nitrogen) in your tires can affect how your car drives, the fuel mileage, braking distance…and of course, tread wear. So, keep pressures where they should be, and your ride will be safe, and smooth. Inspect your air filter regularly and replace it if it's dirty or decomposing. If you're in a dry, dusty area, or wet conditions often, you ... read more