Posted on 9/27/2019
Electric Vehicles Will Be Noisier at Low Speeds Sept. 2019 We all know that at low speeds hybrids and electric vehicles are very quiet. As a result, they are involved in disproportionately large number of accidents involving pedestrians. To fix the problem, European Union mandated that starting in 2021 new electric vehicles will have to have to be equipped with a “noise maker”, which is supposed to turn on any time the vehicle travels at less than 12mph. In the United States, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration proposed a rule that could allow for different sound options for EVs. Nissan apparently hired a sound studio to design the sound for the Nissan electric vehicles. We will not include a link and thus save you a few seconds of your life – the EV sound created by the sound studio sounds... like a car engine. Still, it’s nice to know that soon we will have audible warning that a hybrid or EV is behind